Upcoming Opportunity Zone Investment | Premier Crowdfunding
26 Jul

Upcoming Opportunity Zone Investment

July 26, 2019 /  In Investment /  by

Opportunity zones are government-created strategic areas where investments receive specific tax incentives. The idea behind them is to propel investment back into communities that have hit, or are about to hit, the bottom of the economic cycle in terms of value. They were added to the tax code in December of 2017, and the first were designated in April of 2018. 

Although this good strategy for the country overall, all opportunity zones are not created equal when it comes to investing. Each zone needs to be individually studied and evaluated to confirm its best case/worst case potential.

Premier is currently under contract with a significant property near the west coast of the US that is in an opportunity zone. This offering will be funded through Premier Crowdfunding, so if you are interested in opportunity zone investing, join our mailing list to be notified when it goes live.

To learn more about opportunity zones, read the IRS’s Opportunity Zone FAQ page. To view an interactive map of opportunity zones, click here.